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Sky Ring in Shanghai
jijin 2017-05-23 10:33:44

Project location: on the top of Joy City shopping mall in South Tibet Road in Shanghai

 Design life: 30 Years

Opening date: January, 2016

Height: 96 Meters

Ride Duration: 12 Minutes


Capacity: 30 Cabins, 120 People  

Sky Ring is a customized observation wheel for Joy City mall, as China’s first cantilevered Ferris wheel, it brings cross-border cooperation in business, art and entertainment. The distinctive appearance of Sky Ring becomes the spokesman of Joy City complex, attracts visitors effectively.

Sky Ring combines elements of fashion and innovation creatively. Equipped with ultra-high density LED lighting, the wheel resembles a screen that capable of displaying both words and images. Specially designed for photo shoot, the color and intensity of lighting inside of each cabin could be changed by passengers as they wish. What’s more, there are Bluetooth device, speakers and USB ports inside the cabin.


Under the Sky Ring, an open-air stage adjacent to the wheel’s frame leg, where romantic events like lighting shows, marriage proposals and even wedding ceremonies can be performed with the rolling wheel as background. It’s all in the name of romance and love for high-profile couples. Meanwhile, street arts, interactive media devices, shops and restaurants also enhanced the attraction of rooftop block and shopping mall, created a wheel-centric economic belt.